Activity Diagram Doctor

For the Hospital Management System is represented by several UML class diagrams. Consultant doctor or attending physician is the senior doctor who has.

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Final Project Report

Richard Skramstad

February 19, 2005


1.0 Executive Summary.................................... 2

2.0 The Diagrams......................................... 4

Hospital Use Case [Use Case]............................... 4

Sequence--Schedule Appointment [Sequence]................. 5

Sequence--Prescription (Within 72 hours) [Sequence]........... 6

Collaboration--Maintain Charts [Collaboration].................. 7

Hospital Class Diagram [Class].............................. 8

State Chart--Appointment [State]............................. 9

State Chart--Prescription [State]............................ 10

State Chart--Medical Record [State]......................... 11

Activity--Schedule Appointment [Activity]..................... 12

Activity--Refill Prescription [Activity].......................... 13

Activity--Maintain Chart [Activity]............................. 14

A large hospital wants to build a system to meet the growing needs and capabilities of its patients.The patient can view information via the internet.This is to ease bottlenecks in the current highly centralized telephone based system.

1.1 Requirements

The Hospital Management System includes a Patient Interface System (PINS) that allows he patients to look up:

1. Appointments

2. Insurance plans and capabilities

3. Prescription information and

4. Medical records (as much as possible)

The patient should be able to (shall) make or cancel appointments and see co-payment requirements.The system confirms the ability of the patient to see the doctor and an acknowledgement is shown to the patient and a record is made to both the nursing staff and the doctors about the appointment.The PINS also can allow for the nursing staff to prepare and keep the charts, and also allows patients to review their prescriptions and request refills as needed.

1.2 Actors and Use Cases

The four major actors in the system are the patient, doctor, nurse, and pharmacist.An additional actor is the system controller which must authenticate users and negotiate transactions.The major use cases are:

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1. Make, change, or chancel appointments by the patient or doctor

2. Request and refill of prescriptions

3. Preparation and maintenance of medical records and charts

The static model is developed by the identification of classes (with their attributes and methods) and the relationships between these classes.The dynamic model addresses the operations offered to the users and the constraints on the system.These models are developed in a spiral fashion using class diagrams, sequence (or collaboration) diagrams, activity diagrams, and state transition diagrams.Implementation is presented in the component and deployment diagrams.These diagrams will drive out the details of the operations and relationships between the classes.These diagrams are prepared using the UML constructs and are best when augmented with other methods such as prototypes of the user interfaces. User expectations can be clarified using these types of prototypes.

1.3 Modeling Issues

The issues relate to addressing the ambiguities and incompleteness of the model.What are the missing details and can these details be resolved by talking to the users and domain experts.What are the data archive requirements?Does the model need to address concurrent access in a multiple user system?Does the system be fail safe and resistant to crashes and should it include fool proofing?Trade offs include level of centralization verses a distributed system.Can life cycles cost be reduced by significant modeling activities?

System boundaries must be addressed by determination of how many activities are computerized.Interfaces to other systems (insurance, billing, and pharmaceutical) must also be defined.Does the model need to address release of data, access control, and user permissions?Persistence of information or objects needs to be clarified if reports are generated and external interfaces need to be supported.Activity Diagrams and State Charts can help clarify these issues.

1.4 The Spiral Model Meets Roundtrip Engineering

One possible approach is the use of reverse engineering and automatic code generation.An existing system or prototype could be reverse engineered into class diagrams.These diagrams could be put aside (hidden from the users).The users could then be interviewed by using activity and sequence diagrams as a “clean sheet” and/or “brainstorming” approach to solicit the true classes of the system.After the user interviews, these “preliminary user defined” classes are compared to the reverse engineering classes by the domain experts.New classes would be developed through the reconciliation of the “preliminary user defined” classes and the reverse engineering classes.The new resulting class diagram would then be entering into an automatic code generator and the next generation of prototype would be developed.The process could be repeated as many times as necessary to evolve the system definition.

The use case diagram represents the major four actors (patient, doctor nurse, and pharmacist) and the major uses of the system.The use cases fall into three major categories:view/make/change/cancel appointment, refill prescriptions, and maintain medical records/charts.

This sequence diagram represents the timing and flow of information within the “make appointment” use case.The summation of the appointment record is called the Doctors Schedule.The System Controller verifies that the appointment time is available notifies the patient, who confirms the appointment and the system updates the database.

This sequence diagram represents the timing and flow of information within the “refill prescription” use case.Since the patient has waited the required time, the system can automatically check availability of the medication and send the confirmation email to the patient.

This collaboration diagram represents the flow of information within the “maintain charts” use case.The doctors and nurses can prepare inputs to the medical records and charts.Lab test results can be viewed by the patient.

This Class Diagram shows the classes and the relationships between the classes.For each class there is an representation for the attributes and methods associated with each class.The three major actors (patient, nurse, and doctor) are shown as classes and the three major pieces of data (appointment schedule, prescription, and medical record/chart) are also shown as classes

The appointment class goes to various transitions in state as the patient and/or doctor selects changes or cancels the appointment.When a patient requests an appointment, and unconfirmed appointment record is created.The record becomes confirmed if it is available, and it is presented to the patient.If the patient accepts the appointment, the record enters an accepted state.At any time the doctor or patient can cancel the appointment at which time the record enters and cancelled state.The state transition reached an end point whenever the appointment is kept.

The prescription class goes to various transitions in state as the patient requests refills and the system fulfills the request.This state chart nicely shows how if a prescription is available for auto refill, whether the request can be fulfilled is based on whether or not the patient tried to refill the prescription too early.If the patient waits to within 72 hours of the end of dosage period he can use the automated system to get a refill.If he tries to refill the prescription before this time, the automated system will not allow it.

The patient fills out a medical history form which will start the creation of the medical record/chart.The nurse will take blood pressure, height and weight and ask about medications being taken.This information is added to the chart.The doctor add the list of symptoms and the results of his exam and diagnosis.Finally the record is partition in data that can be viewed by the patient over the internet and data that is not viewable.

This Activity Diagram represents operation viewpoint and flow of information between activities for the “make appointment” use case.A decision diamond provides the branching based on whether the time slot is available.The loop back show how alternative appointment times are selected.

This Activity Diagram represents operations viewpoint and flow of information between activities for the “refill prescription” use case.Several decision items are provided because some medications are not available for automatic refill and if the patient tries to refill the prescription too early the system will require a doctors approval.

This Activity Diagram represents operation viewpoint and flow of information between activities for the “maintain charts” use case.Both the nurse and the doctor will enter information into the chart.The chart is continually updated until no return visit is scheduled, at which time the chart is filed away for storage.

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