Family Tree Maker 2014 Keygen Crack Download

Plug-in for New Family Tree Maker

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New Family Tree Maker

Family Tree Maker 2008, the successor to Family Tree Maker 16, was introduced late in 2007. Family Tree Maker 2008 isn't an updated version of Family Tree Maker 16, but a different, new program, that was given the same name.
To distinguish between these different programs with the same name, Family Tree Maker 16 and earlier versions of it are known as Family Tree Maker Classic, while Family Tree Maker 2008 and later are known as New Family Tree Maker.

New Family Tree Maker (New FTM) was introduced in 2007. In 2008, Family Tree Maker 2009 Technology took a look at the technology of New FTM. That article called attention to the fact that FTM 2008 and FTM 2009 feature a plugins menu item, and the installer creates a subdirectory called Plugins. Asked about the availability of plug-ins,'s public relations director was unable to provide any product name, or even a web page to link to.
More than six years since the introduction of New Family Tree Maker, there still is a remarkable dearth of plug-ins. What's more, while the installers for FTM 2008, 2009, and 2010 all create an empty Plugins subdirectory, the installers for FTM 2011 and later do not. does not offer a public Family Tree Maker plug-in SDK.

plug-in SDK does not offer a public Family Tree Maker plug-in SDK. In fact, there still is no public documentation on the plug-in API at all. Stefan Harms, the developer of the new Family Book Creator plug-in, has confirmed to me that information on the FTM plug-in API was provided under NDA.

While using New FTM, you may have been prompted to download a plug-in to view maps in 3D. The Virtual Earth plug-in is a plug-in made available to third-party developers, such as, to use in their product. has programmed New FTM to use that plug-in. It has nothing to do with FTM's plug-in interface.
The interface I uncovered in 2011 is the FTM SearchService, which has nothing to do with FTM plug-ins. Developers interested in creating a plug-in have to contact

book building

When New Family Tree Maker was introduced, it didn't match Family Tree Classic in functionality. One major feature that New FTM lacked was Book Building. did introduce, a website where you could upload your genealogy data to create a book from it. Ancestry Press is now known as MyCanvas.
Family Tree Makers users were unhappy about having to upload their data to just to print a book, and having to pay every time they did so. In response to complaints, not only promised to provide the book building feature, but additionally promised that it will be available for free to all Family Tree Maker 2008 customers.

Because of the many shortcomings of FTM 2008, provided upgrades to FTM 2009 for free. Customers had to jump through many hoops to obtain the free upgrade, and still did not get the promised book building feature. Book building did return to FTM, not in FTM 2010, as's remarkable short Family Tree Maker: 20-Year Anniversary! blog post claims, but a bit earlier, in Family Tree Maker 2009 Service Pack 1.

Family Book Creator is not available for all versions of New Family Tree Maker.

Family Book Creator

first plug-in

Strictly speaking, Family Book Creator isn't the very first plug-in for New Family Tree Maker. The first application to use New FTM's plug-in API was PassageExpress from the Jefferson Project. Asked about it, John Shupe confirmed that they abandoned this. They had trouble keeping it up-to-date with new versions.

Family Book Creator is a new plug-in for New Family Tree Maker, created by Stefan Harms. It isn't some standalone application that also happens to plug into New Family Tree Maker in some way, it really is an FTM plug-in; you need to have New Family Tree Maker already.

FTM versions
NFTM 2008
NFTM 2009
YFTM 2010
NFTM 2011
YFTM 2012
YFTM 2014

supported versions

Family Book Creator is not available for all versions of New Family Tree Maker. It is available for FTM 2010, FTM 2012 and FTM 2014. Family Book Creator is not available for FTM 2008, FTM 2009 or FTM 2011. There is no product called Family Tree Maker 2013.

The list of supported versions may seem odd, particularly the support for FTM 2010, while the more recent FTM 2011 isn't supported. The selection of supported versions is actually quite sensible; Family Book Creator supports the two latest versions of New FTM (FTM 2012 and 2014), and it additionally supports FTM 2010 because that is the latest version of New FTM that's available in German.

32-bit & 64-bit

The Family Tree Maker 2014 product includes both 32-bit & 64-bit releases. The FTM 2014 installer will automatically install the 64-bit release when run on a 64-bit system.
The Family Book Creator for FTM 2014 is available in both 32-bit & 64-bit releases too. There is no single installer that includes both and automatically picks the right release. There are two different installers. You need to choose and download the right one.

The Swedish Family Tree Maker World Express includes a lite edition of Family Book Creator, the German Family Tree Maker World Express does not.

Family Tree Maker World Express

Mid 2013, released Family Tree Maker World Express (FTMWE), a free lite edition of Family Tree Maker 2012. There's a Swedish and German variant. Family Tree Maker World Express has not been updated to a lite edition of Family Tree Maker 2014 yet.
The Swedish Family Tree Maker World Express includes a lite edition of Family Book Creator, the German Family Tree Maker World Express does not.
Family Book Creator supports Family Tree Maker 2012, the version that Family Tree Maker World Express is based on, so you might think that it works with Family Tree Maker World Express, but Stefan Harms told me that Family Tree Maker World Express is not supported.


Family Tree Maker is an American product. Stefan Harms is a German developer. The Family Book Creator website is available in both English and German. The Family Book Creator plug-in can create books in four languages and the American dialect: Danish, German, Swedish, English and Amglish. A look in the Family Book Creator directory showed resources for Dutch, Spanish, Polish as well. These are user interface resources, that enable Dutch, Spanish and Polish user interface. The presence of these user interface resources makes it reasonable to assume that support for Dutch, Spanish and Polish books is in the works.


Family Book Creator is a commercial product, but a free 30-day trial is available. Books created by the trial edition books contains a EVALUATION VERSION watermark on every page. The trial edition is extremely limited in scope, just seven families; to stress that, the trial is not limited to seven generations, but to seven families. Moreover, it does not allow you to save any of your settings.
You can upgrade the trial edition to a licensed edition by entering your license information.

The Family Book Creator 2014 plug-in is more expensive than Family Tree Maker 2014 itself.

license cost

Family Book Creator is a plug-in for New Family Tree Maker, It does not work with Family Tree Maker Classic, nor with any desktop genealogy application, so if you do decide to switch another application, your investment in Family Book Creator is lost. That's the nature of application-specific plug-ins, but it seems worth stressing. The Family Book Creator 2014 plug-in is more expensive than Family Tree Maker 2014 itself.

There are two licenses available; one for private use, and one for commercial use. The private license is US$ 54,95, the commercial license is US$ 350,00. That is an unusually high price for genealogy software, but you probably don't need the commercial license. Genealogists who want to make a book for themselves, and then sell copies to family can get the private use license. Only commercial genealogists who want to make books for their clients need to obtain the commercial license.
I received a private license from Stefan Harms, and experienced no issues registering it.


Family Tree Maker's Check for update.. does not detect Family Book Creator updates, and the Family Book Creator plug-in itself did seem not include an option to detect updates either. It is supposed to alert to updates, it did not, possibly because of my security policies, but I did receive emails alerting me to the availability of new Family Book Creator builds.
Other than the annoyance of having to enter the installation password again, I experienced no problems installing and using the newer versions over the older ones. The installer does detect whether Family Tree Maker is still running, prompts you to close it, and allows you to retry without having to restart the installer.


Download and install isn't as easy it could be. You cannot just download the trial and install, there are hoops to jump through.
To download the free trial, you must register with your email address, upon which a link to the download page will be mailed you. You will need a password during installation, that password is in the same mail.
The download page provides a choice of files to download; there are different files to download for different version of Family Tree Maker. You must choose and download the files for the version of Family Tree Maker you'd like to install Family Book Creator into. I downloaded the files for the 64-bit release of Family Tree Maker 2014.

copied files

The installer starts by prompting you for the installation password. Once you've entered that, it starts the Family Book Creator Setup Wizard.
The message REMARK: Some Family Tree maker 2014 files are going to be copied from the the folder P:Program FilesFamily Tree Maker 2014 on the first page of the Family Book Creator 2014 Setup Wizard makes me uneasy. I had a look in the Family Book Creator directory after installation, and noticed that the installer had copied the files MyFamily.Shared.dll and PluginModule.dll from the Family Tree Maker 2014 directory. These are Dynamic Link Libraries that contain program code. Copying these files is generally a bad idea, as an update to FTM 2014 will only update the original files, not the copies.

You might expect the installation directory to default to Program FilesFamily Tree Maker 2014Plugins, but it actually defaults to Program FilesFamily Book Creator. has not published public guidelines for plug-ins, but this seems to be as it should be. The installer for Family Book Creator 2014 creates the missing Program FilesFamily Tree Maker 2014Plugins directory, and installs a file there; FamilyBookCreatorPlugin2014.xml is a configuration file that not only tell Family Tree Maker that the Family Book Creator 2014 plug-in exists, but also where it has been installed.

no shortcut

Choosing the installation directory is the only option the Family Book Creator 2014 Setup Wizard provides. It does not ask whether you want to create a shortcut, as so many installers do, as it doesn't create a shortcut. After all, Family Book Creator isn't a standalone product, it is a plug-in. Once Family Book Creator has been installed, you access it from within Family Tree Maker, where you can find it under the Tools Plugins menu.

I experienced one odd limitation of Family Book Creator when I accidentally started Family Tree Maker for a second time; it seems to supports just one instance of Family Tree Maker. The first Family Tree Maker instance shows Family Book Creator on its plug-in menu, the second instance does not.

first use

New Family Tree Maker is no speed-demon, and Family Book Creator isn't one either. After choosing Family Book Creator from the menu, it took about ten seconds to start up - and that's on a 3 GHz quad-core CPU.
The first time you start it, Family Book Creator shows a dialog that makes you choose between Try before you buy, Enter existing key and Order license. It will keep showing that screen until you've entered a license key.

language detection

Family Book Creator supports multiple languages, and attempts to default to the language you are using, but does not so correctly. I am running Windows Vista Ultimate, which allows me to choose any user interface language I want. It is a Dutch edition configured to show English. An auto-detecting program should default to English, yet some program get the detection wrong, and default to Dutch instead. Family Book Creator 1.0 is one of those programs. Family Book Creator shows Dutch menus, and there seems to be no option to tell it that it should show English instead. It is not consistent about it either; it showed Dutch menus the first time I started it, but showed English menus later.

tabs and subtabs

The Family Book Creator user interface is a single window with three main tabs, Book Items, Preferences and About. The Book Items and Preferences tab have subtabs, and it is in these subtabs that you control creation of your book. The About tab shows the program version number and license information; if no license information has been entered yet, it allows you to do so.
Family Book Creator did not only get my user interface language wrong, it also applied it inconsistently; for me, only the titles of the subtabs of the Book Items tab are Dutch, while all the rest of subtabs, and the other tabs are in English.

PDF versus RTF

Family Tree Maker allows creation of books under the Publish tab. It allows you to manage the creation of a book to be printed by MyCanvas, or create a local Genealogy Book in PDF format. Remarkably, although both the creation of local books and printing books with MyCanvas has been supported for some five years already, these are two independent options, for which you must create independent project. You still cannot create a single project for both. Family Book Creator adds yet another option, that's independent of the built-in features.

The main difference between Family Book Creator and Family Tree Maker's Genealogy Book is that Family Tree Maker creates a PDF file, while Family Book Creator creates a RTF file. The RTF file can be imported into any word processor that supports RTF, but there are differences in RTF support, and right now, only Microsoft Word and OpenOffice Writer are supported.
The Family Book Creator 2014 plug-in does not work with LibreOffice Writer, and the support for OpenOffice Writer is a bit limited; some features, such as the place name index, only work with Microsoft Word. Word processors may improve in future versions.

database import

Family Book Creator does not include a sample database. I decided to compare the FTM 2014 Publishing Generate Book feature to Family Book Creator using an ancestry I have been research for some time, one that is complete for 8 generations, fairly complete for 10 generations, has hundred of names in the 12th generation, and has a few lines stretching a bit further back, for a total of some 2200 persons.
To do so, I had to import my database, and Family Tree Maker 2014 imported the GEDCOM file in about 20 minutes. Family Tree Maker does not import everything, and that's a concern if you want to switch, but it imported more than enough to perform the test. I did not import a selection from my database, I imported the entire database, so that it is up to FTM and Family Book Creator to make the right selection when producing the book.

A Legacy Charting fan chart showing 12 generations of the ancestry.


I decided that I'd like to create a fairly simple book, consisting of just a title page, an ahnenlist and an index. You really want an index when you have a few thousands names. No notes, no biographies, no multimedia, just an ahnenlist presented between a title page and index.

For performance comparison, I first created the desired report in Personal Ancestral File (PAF). The 12 year old PAF generated an preview of an ahnenlist complete with index, 219 pages in total, in just a few seconds, and generated the RTF file in half a minute.

The desktop PC I am running this test on has a 3 GHz Intel quad-core CPU and 12 GB of physical RAM; although more than two years old now, that's still more computing power and memory than the average PCs sold today.

Family Tree Maker Publishing Generate Book

user interface

The Family Tree Maker Publishing Generate Book user interface is as clumsy and unintuitive and as New Family Tree Maker in general, no surprise there. It is also annoyingly slow to respond; when you choose something, you may have to wait a while for Family Tree Maker to catch up with the fact that you dared click on something it offered for you to click on, making it a less than interactive experience. New Family Tree Maker could improve so much already, if only would hire a decent user experience designer.
That said, it is conceptually nice; like in several other genealogy application, a book can include any of FTM's reports, and you can set options for each included report independently.


Family Tree Maker 2014 took seconds to create an empty book; that's 25 seconds to creating nothing but a title page. Adding an ahnenlist (still mislabelled ahnentafel, while that is something else) took 20 seconds, and that is without counting my fumbling around FTM's awkward user interface.
That 20 seconds is for the default setting of just 4 generations. After unchecking the Exclude children option, because an ahnenlist should not include children (other than the direct ancestors), and increasing the number of generations to 20, FTM took about 2½ minutes to regenerate the in-application preview of the report; FTM needs as many minutes as PAF needs seconds. had years to improve it, yet New Family Tree Maker's performance remains painfully lethargic.

The awful performance hardly matters, because I don't like the report anyway. I wanted nothing fancy, just a simple ahnenlist, but even the very latest version of New FTM seems incapable of producing one; the appearance of the ahnenlist it produces is marred by the inclusion of notes, and FTM does not seem to offer an option to turn that off.

out of memory?

What's more, although FTM was showing an in-application preview of the ahnenlist when I clicked the oddly mislabelled Preview Book button to generate the actual PDF file, FTM responded with a message box titled An error occurred while generating your book containing the message There is not enough memory left to generate your book.

Had New FTM used all 12 GB of physical and even run out of the say 24 GB virtual RAM of my system? No. The Windows Task Manager showed that I was using only 4 GB of the 12 GB, yet New FTM still claimed it ran out of memory. That might make some sense for the 32-bit edition of FTM 2014, as a 32-bit Windows application will normally have access to no more than 2 GB of RAM. Combine that limit with sloppy programming in New FTM on top of Microsoft's already less than memory-efficient Microsoft .NET, and you have an application that easily runs out of memory. However, I was running the 64-bit edition precisely to avoid such a scenario, One possible explanation for the 64-bit edition of FTM 2014 still running out of memory while there is plenty available is that the 64-bit edition isn't entirely 64-bit.
Anyway, the bottom line is, that even without the desired index, New FTM was already unable to generate a book containing just a few thousand individuals.

I tried adding an index anyway, just to round out this test. FTM 2014 did let me add the index, but did become Not Responding for some ten seconds.
I waited for minutes for an index to appear, but it did not. Whenever I moved the cursor over the Index item in the left pane, the cursor switched to a busy cursor, but the Index Preview pane in the middle remained empty. I eventually decided to close Family Tree Maker and restart it.

Family Book Creator

plug-in startup

My first try with build 213 of Family Book Creator did not go very well. It promised to initialise in 6 seconds, but took more than 2 minutes, during which time Family Tree Maker remained Not responding.

The reason for this remarkable delay is probably that Family Book Creator loads every individual in the database into a list box, and is not very efficient about how it does that.
Interestingly, the next time I started the Family Book Creator plug-in with this database, its initialisation timer actually counted down from 144 seconds. It seems to remember the actual start-up, so it can give an accurate count-down the next time. However, once the countdown was done, Family Book Creator still took about half a minute to show its dialog box.
The curently selected person in Family Tree Maker is selected in the Family Book Creator list box.

The considerable start-up time is an issue. When you start Family Book Creator, but then remember that you wanted to check something in FTM first, you have to wait for it finish its start-up, then close it, before you can check the FTM database, and then you have to start it again.
You actively have to close Family Book Creator, i.e. click the OK button on the utterly superfluous and quite annoying Export Succesful messagebox, which says Thank you very much for using Family Book Creator!.
Stefan Harms informed me that he does not like this messagebox either, but that showing a messagebox upon termination of the plug-in is part of the way FTM plug-ins work.

tabs and subtabs

Just browsing through Family Book Creator's tabs, it soon became clear to me that Family Book Creator could not create the desired book either. Family Book Creator's Book Items tab has subtabs for the Title Page, Colophon, Dedication, Foreword, Table of Contents, Introduction, the Main Part and Indexes. I wanted just the Title Page, the Main Part and Indexes, and this initial release offers no way to turn all the other items off. I had no trouble selecting 20 generations of ancestors, or turning possible extras off.

That Family Book Creator is no speed demon does not surprise, after all, it has to interface with Family Tree Maker.


Family Book Creator took more than a quarter of an hour to create the book. It took 16m50s to be precise, and that's 1010 seconds for 1059 families (couples actually, without children), roughly one second per couple.

That Family Book Creator is no speed demon does not surprise, after all, it has to interface with Family Tree Maker. However, even before I saw the output or even knew whether it would successfully complete, I already preferred Family Book Creator to Family Tree Maker, simply because Family Book Creator at least takes the trouble to show a progress bar, so you have a good indication of how long the wait is going to be.

The document including index, containing some 2200 persons, is near 300 pages long. The file size is about 12 MB, and that's well below the 512 MB maximum that Microsoft Word will handle, so unless you are want to print a very large book, that limit should not be a problem.


I did not desire a bibliography, but was pleasantly surprised to see a neat overview of sources.

Family Book Creator creates the index the right way; it lets the word processor do it.

At first blush, the document did not appear to contain an index, but that is only because Family Book Creator creates the index the right way; it lets the word processor do it. Al the items that should be indexed have been marked up, and there is an index field where the index goes. You need to update that field to generate an up-to-date index, and just in case you've never do so, instructions on how to do this are provided, instructions that disappear once you do update the field.

The Family Book Creator does suffer from the same problem as the PAF index; a name like van Haersolte is sorted under the letter V, while it should be sorted under the letter H. That isn't Family Book Creator's fault; the underlying problem is that, like PAF, Family Tree Maker still doesn't provide a separate field for the surname prefix.

The entire layout and formatting is done the right way: with styles.

The entire layout and formatting is done the right way: with styles. You can change the layout and formatting of the entire report by modifying the styles.

also known as

New Family Tree Maker has an also known as field, just like PAF does, and Family Tree Maker 2014 imports PAF's _AKA GEDCOM field just fine.

You might think that the inclusion of the also known as names enhances both the ahnenlist and the index, but they actually suffer from the inclusion of also known as names.

The problem is that Family Book Creator does not recognise the slashes delimiting the family name, but includes the slashes as part of the name, and does not recognise a comma separating multiple names at all. Thus, inclusion of the also known as field not only results in awkward-looking names in the ahnenlist, it also adds sorts wrongly sorted names in the index. Until this is issue fixed, it may be better to exclude the also known as names from the report.


Family Book Creator's ahnenlist is remarkably wordy. One reason for that is that each individual entry contains a sentence naming the parents (if known). An ahnenlist is fine without that superfluous sentence.
The sentence is there to provide hyperlinks to the parents, but these hyperlinks can be provided without that sentence; this is an ahnenlist, the parents of n are 2n and 2n+1.
Whether you consider that sentence a feature or a misfeature, it should definitely be an option, and an option that's turned off by default.

I noticed that, although I had selected to not include person notes or research notes, the ahnenlist still included some notes. Upon inspection, these turned out to be other kinds of notes, for example marriage notes. To make sure no notes are included, you have to exclude the notes for each individual fact.
The user interface for selecting fact to include, and whether to include notes or sources for these fact is usable, but not user-friendly, and the inclusion of LDS events among the genealogical events, even turned on by default, is annoying.

technical accomplishment

Family Book Creator is the first plug-in for Family Tree Maker 2014, available for a few older versions as well.
New Family Tree Maker's plug-in API is not public, but only available under NDA. I do not know the quality of the plug-in API or its documentation, but do have a good impression of the quality of New FTM itself. The creation of this plug-in, for multiple versions of New FTM, probably is an accomplishment that represents more than average perseverance.


Family Book Creator is a plug-in for New Family Tree Maker that is more expensive than Family Tree Maker itself. When you're planning to create a small print-run, you'll want the best looking book for your investment, and the cost of the plug-in license probably isn't a big issue, but it sure to some give some pause.

Family Book Creator can create books from your data. New Family Tree Maker offers the ability to create books this since Family Tree Maker 2009 Service Pack 1, and also works with MyCanvas. To woo customers, Family Book Creator must convince users that Family Book Creator is better than these options, yet the Family Book Creator website does not even provide a feature comparison. There is a features pag, and reading through that list gives a good impression of its features and flexibility.
You can obtain a free trial, but it's limited to just seven families, and although that may be enough to form some impression of the product, it simply isn't enough to truly evaluate it with your own data. For that, it should have no limitations, just the EVALUATION VERSION watermark on every page.


New Family Tree Maker creates books in PDF format, Family Book Creator creates books in RTF, for import into your word processor. Because Family Book Creator creates the index the way it should be created, you should have no trouble combining its output with chapters from other sources.

Neither Family Tree Maker 2014 nor Family Book Creator 2014 was able to create the book I wanted, but they did not fail equally. Family Tree Maker 2014 failed hard; it claimed to run out of memory while there was plenty of memory left, and never produced the book I wanted. Family Book Creator 2014 failed soft; it produced the book, but included stuff I do not want in there, so to get the book I want I have to remove that manually every time I recreate the book.
Stefan Harms let me know that letting you select what to include in the book and what not is on the list of possible enhancements.

This first version of Family Book Creator is already better than Family Tree Maker 2014's Generate Book..

In the more than six years since the introduction of the Family Tree Maker 2008 Public Beta, New Family Tree Maker's user interface has not substantially improved, and book creation isn't most the most intuitive part of it either. Moreover, trying to use it easily results in Family Tree Maker becoming Not responding. Trying to make a book is a slow and awkward process, with no garantuee of success. All told, it does not seem as if wants their New Family Tree Maker customers to use this feature.

Family Book Creator is slow too, quite probably because it plugs into New Family Tree Maker, but it does have the decency to show progress bars while you wait.
All options are on subtabs of three tabs within a single dialog box. There are some rough edges in the way things or organised, there certainly is some room for improvement, but overall, the user interface is fairly intuitive; it's layout and organisation are as you would expect from a plug-in for a Windows application.

This first version of Family Book Creator is already better than Family Tree Maker 2014's Generate Book. So, despite a bit of sticker shock, I recommend that New Family Tree Maker users wanting to create a book check it out.


2014-06-03 instant update: Dutch tabs

Within hours of publishing this review, Stefan Harms provided me with build 214, which no longer shows Dutch tabs on an otherwise English user interface.

2014-06-04 instant update: also known as

Yesterday and today, I received several private build with fixes for the also known as issue. Build 216 does no longer shows slashes in the ahnenlist, recognises multiple also known asSerial port component for lazarus come. names separated by commas, and sorts all of them correctly in the index.

2014-06-11: MyCanvas retiring

On 2014 Jun 4, announced that it will retire several services, including their MyCanvas service, on 2014 Sep 5. Family Book Creator will no longer be competing with MyCanvas, but only with Family Tree Maker. However, it is likely that Family Tree Maker 2015 will be released on or before that date, and boast improved publishing features to make up for the loss of the MyCanvas option.


  • MyCanvas (AncestryPress)

Copyright © Tamura Jones. All Rights reserved.