Bourg Collator Bst 10 Manual

1 PAPER HANDLING CAPABILITYSTOCK WEIGHTSMAX250 gsm MIN 50 gsm PAPER SIZESMAX520 mm x 350 mm20 x 13 3/4 MIN200 mm x 115 mm8 x 4 1/2 NOISE LEVEL65 dBA (single tower without attachments) DIMENSIONSLENGTH BST-d main :930 mm or 36 3/4'BST-d additional :910 mm or 36'WIDTH 730 mm or 29' HEIGHT 2000 mm or 79'WEIGHT BST-d main :352 kg or 772 lbsBST-d additional :360 kg or 790 lbsSETS PER HOURWITH THE BDF OR SMB4Up to sets/hour ELECTRICAL RATINGSPOWER REQUIRED120/230 VAC 50/60 HzPOWER CONSUMPTION1600 W maxRADIANT BTU/hSTANDBY460 BTU/hBST10-dBourg Suction Towerdual outputBOURG COLLATORP roduction rates subject to environmental conditions, operator ability and quality of a consequence of our policy of continuous improvement, specifications are subject to change without notice. 9133610 ind - March Inc50 Samuel Barnet Bedford, MA 02745 USATel.

2008 Bourg BST 10/BDF. Manufacturer: Bourg; Colors: 10; C.P. Bourg BST 10, tower with vacuum feeding BDF Collator - fully automated booklet maker stich, fold and trim parameters via its touchscreen interface/hundreds of programs can be saved and recall Bourg tower sta.

2 : +1 508 998 2171 Fax : +1 508 998 410 32 rue des G meauxF-94573 Rungis CedexFranceTel. : +33 1 46 87 32 14 Fax : +33 1 46 87 52 GmbHSchweizerstrasse 70/1D-72336 BalingenGermanyTel. : +49 7433 9981 680 Fax : +49 7433 9981 rue Millewee, 85L-7201 WalferdangeLuxembourg Tel. : +352 33 24 47 Fax : +352 33 19 BOURG rue des Technologies 22B-1340 Ottignies - BelgiumTel. : +32 10 62 22 11 Export fax : +32 10 61 63 55 Email : is a registered trademark of BOURG ,Inc. and BOURG Patents 9001TD-d + LH Exit Kit for BST-d + BST-d right + BDFC/C mir. + BST-d left + BST-d add. + BST-d right + SBM4TD-d + BST-d left + BST-d add. + BST-d add. + BST-d right + TD-tTD-d + BST-d left + BST-d add. + BST-d add. + BST-d add. + BST-d right + AGR-t + PAS-t + TR-tBOURG SUCTION TOWER dual outputBST-d Less floor space, more flexibility!

3 The 'CUT' function allows the userto split the system between tow-ers so that sets can be deliveredeither to the right or to the leftoutput or in both directions the lower part of each tower,luminous arrows indicate towerfeeding sections feeding to the rightand to the left are operated The covers (heavier stock) can beloaded in two bins, the secondbin feeding automatically whenthe first one is shorter inter-tower conveyorreduces the overall single main right tower can feedeither to the right or to the left withthe addition of a left conveyor BST10-d is capable of han-dling sheets to be collated tobecome a CD size booklet (120x 240 mm)Notes:The BST-d towers are compatible withexisting attachments, but not withthe previous version of BST case of left-hand output the pile atthe output will be upside down; oth-erwise the sheets must be loadedupside down and in reverse BST10-d now includes the CDsize in standard features (collation of120 x 240 mm or x sheets) BOURGBOURG has developed the BST10-dconcept to give you total versatility with-in a Suction Tower System by allowingset transport to two different outputs,according to your finishing needs.


4 TheBST10-d is an upgrade of the well knownmarket leader suction feed tower col-lator BST10-d COLLATOR enables you to uti-lize multiple finishing solutions withinone single system. The need to changefinishing attachments is now eliminat-ed. SAVING TIME means better BST10-d concept is based on 3different 10 bins towers: the main towerBST10-d right, the main tower BST10-dleft and the additional tower unique system is expandable withup to 3 additional towers for a maxi-mum 50 bin Main towers BST10-d right / left havetheir own user interfaces and control theright / left side of the COLLATOR system,including the output to finishing acces-sories located on both side. The towersmay send their sheets to the left or rightside of the COLLATOR , based on operatorselection made on user interface. Thisresults in VERY HIGH FLEXIBILITY system can simultaneously produce: Via the right side output: saddle-stitched,folded and trimmed booklets usingeither the AGR-t/ PAS-t/ TR-t stitch-er/folder/trimmer or the BDF BourgDocument Finisher combining all threefunctions in one self contained unitor SBM4; Via the left and/or right side output:straight stacked sets of NCR paperor separated sets for perfect bindingat a later stage, for example.

5 This canbe done with the mirrorized TD-tfor left side and the TD-t stacker forright side or a criss-cross jogger (forcriss-cross reception).

BST10-d+ Tower

Bst10-D+ is operated with a screen interface. All the functions of the collator are easy to reach. The operator does not have to bother with complicated programming of jobs.

High flexibility feeding device

All paper feeding parameters can be adjusted and fine tuned. This makes the BST10-d+ the most versatile collator available on the market today.

Dual output

Collated sheets can be delivered to both sides of the BST10-d+. It is possible to finish booklet on one side and receive sheets on a stacker or a jogger on the other side at the same time.

Load cover sheet while run

The two first trays can be loaded with the same sheets, usually the cover. When one tray is empty, the BST10-d+ automatically switch- es to the other one and the col- lation process never stops.

Load while run

The same job can be copied on the same tower or on the next tower. In case any tray empties, the collation process goes on auto- matically with the other part or the other tower. Trays can be reloaded while the collator runs.

Sheet between sets

Sometimes known as “insert func- tion”, a single sheet can be insert- ed between every certain num- ber of sets. This process is opti- mised to safeguard the produc- tivity of the machine.

Program saving and recall

A job can be saved in the memory of the BST10-d+ and recalled later. Programs are identified with names.

Complex collating jobs

This function allows collating com- plete sets. Several independent sequences can be executed in a row. To make a book with a cover, 90 NCR sheets, a reminder sheet, 10 NCR sheets and back cover is as simple as a standard job.

High productivity mode

When several towers are used, the productivity is maintained at its upper limit.

Marrying table

With an optional marrying table, a set can be manually completed.

C.P. Bourg SBM4-AGR Stitcher

The innovative ISP electronic cassette heads utilizes a patented self threading stitching wire cassette for easy load. This cassette will allow you to produce over 50,000 stitches and it automatically adjusts for various book thicknesses. It will also let you know when it's almost empty or if it happens to miss a stitch.

Stitch heads; Hohner.

Max. Set Size 20' x 14'

Min. Set Size 4.7' x 8'

Maximum speed 4,200 per hr.

Power 115 volt, 8A

Length 45.2'

Width 33.3'

Height 58.7'

Weight lbs. 488

Bourg collator bst 10 manual free