Pdf The Missionaries And Cannibals Problem And Solution

This is the 12 step process for completing this brain corker. I will call the starting place side A and the destination side B.
1) Send 1 cannibal and 1 missionary across the river.
2) Drop off the cannibal at side B and send back the missionary to side A.
3) Drop off the missionary at side A and send over 2 cannibals to side B.
4)Drop 1 off at side B and then go back to side A.
5) Drop off the cannibal at Side A and send over 2 missionaries.
6) Drop 1 off at side B, then pick up a cannibal from side B and go back to side A.
7) Drop off the cannibal at side A and pick up a missionary from Side.
8) Drop off both missionaries at side B and then send 1 cannibal from side B back.
9) Pick up a cannibal from side A and take him to side B.
10) Drop 1 off at side B and go back to side A.
11) Pick up the final cannibal from side A and take him over to side B.
12) Drop off both cannibals.
And that's all there to it!
A lot of people think it's impossible but it's really simple when you use the right logic.

Why is search the key problem-solving technique in. Formulating and solving search problems. Understanding and comparing several “blind” search. Problem Solving by Searching. Russell and Norvig, chapter 3.1-3.3. The missionaries and cannibals problem. ▫ Goal: transport the missionaries.

Here is some provided code to get you started.

Three missionaries and three cannibals come to the bank of a river. They would like to cross to the other side of the river. There is one boat. The boat can carry up to two people at one time, but doesn't row itself -- at least one person must be in the boat for the boat to move. If at any time there are more cannibals than missionaries on either side of the river, then those missionaries get eaten. In this assignment, you'll implement algorithms that will make plans to get everyone across the river in time for lunch, without any missionaries becoming lunch.

You must implement your solutions in Python 3, and write your report using markdown, in a file called report.md. If you have trouble installing the required software, or have questions regarding the assignment itself, please post your questions first on Piazza.

You should choose a design that is general-purpose; your search algorithm should solve any appropriate search problem, not just missionaries and cannibals. It's important that other students and TAs be able to run your code, so you should not use any external libraries, other than possibly a recent version of cs1lib.py (not needed for this assignment).

Please include your Python files (included anything needed to run the code, such as cs1lib.py) in a zip file for submission on Canvas.

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The model: states and actions

The starting point modeling many problems is to ask what the state of the system might be. A solution will be a connected sequence of states from the start state to the goal state; each pair of states is linked by an action.

The state of the system is the information that would be needed to fully describe the current situation at some point during the task to someone else, assuming that they already know the rules of the game. For the missionaries and cannibals problem, the state could be described as how many missionaries and cannibals are on each side of the river, and on which side of the river the boat is.

Constants are not part of the state. The size of the boat (it holds two), or the total number of missionaries and cannibals (three each), are not part of the state, since these are constants that don't change. They are part of the rules of the game. That doesn't mean that the rules can't be changed -- but they are changed in the problem definition, rather than in state elements.

Minimal state representations are often best. If one cannibal, one missionary, and one boat are on the starting bank, where are the other missionaries and cannibals? Wait wait, don't tell me! They had better be on the other bank of the river, assuming nothing..untoward..has happened. Since I can compute where the others are, I don't have to keep track of their locations as part of the state. I would describe this state using the tuple (1, 1, 1): one missionary, one cannibal, and one boat, on the starting side. If I need to know how many of each are on the other side, I can use subtraction. Using this representation, the initial state is (3, 3, 1).

Actions link states. Given a state of (3, 3, 1), the action of moving one missionary, one cannibal, and one boat to the other side changes the state to (2, 2, 0). Given a particular state, we'll need to consider which actions are legal: actions that can be carried out from that state, and don't lead to a state where someone is eaten.

States are nodes in a graph; actions are edges. There is an underlying graph of all possible legal states, and there are edges between them. The algorithms you write will implicitly search this graph. However, you will not generate the graph ahead of time, but rather write methods that, given a state, generate legal actions and possible successor states, based on the current state and the rules of the game.

The writeup

Each of the following sections of the assignment should be described in a section of your report. For example, the first section of your report might be labeled 'Introduction', and would contain your work related to the assignment section 'Initial discussion and introduction'. Please write your report in markdown in report.md. Then use pandoc or something similar to generate a pdf. (If you are having trouble with this step, just leave it in markdown.) Include both files in your submission, as well as all figures (as pdf).

Initial discussion and introduction

States are either legal, or not legal. First, give an upper bound on the number of states, without considering legality of states. (Hint -- 331 is one state. 231 another, although illegal. Keep counting.) Describe how you got this number.

Use a drawing program such as inkscape to draw part of the graph of states, including at least the first state, all actions from that state, and all actions from those first-reached states. Show which of these states are legal and which aren't (for example, by using the color of the nodes). Include and describe this figure in your report.

Note on figures: It is nicest save your figure as a pdf, which is a vector graphic format, not as a pixel-based format such as png, jpeg, gif, tiff, or bmp. Vector graphics can be scaled and will still look good in your pdf report, while bitmaps (pixel-based) will not scale well.

Code design

You should read the provided code now to try to get a sense of how things might work. It can be hard to understand someone else's code; in parallel, think about how you would write the code yourself. I find it helpful myself to do a little coding to understand the problem better, and then to look at the provided code again. Ultimately, your code must fit the provided design.

Building the model

Now you are ready to write and test the code that implements the model. (You'll write the search algorithms in the next section.) CannibalProblem.py is your starting point. You'll need to represent key information about the problem here, including information about the starting state, some sort of get_successors method, and a goal_test, as well as other things.

Breadth-first search

Take a look at uninformed_search.py. Your first job here is to implement the breadth-first search. Your breadth first search should work properly on a graph (not explore the same state more than once), and you should use appropriate data structures to make the search fast. (Using a linked list to keep track of which states have been visited would be a poor choice. Why?) You do not need to implement data structures such as hash tables, linked lists yourself; Python provides just about anything you should need. I like the set and deque classes from Python.

You'll also need to implement backchaining, which will extract the path from the graph after the search has found the goal node. I stored a link to a parent node in each node except the starting node.

Test your code, and discuss your code in the report. A good test would at the very least check the breadth-first search with respect to the nodes you drew in the intro.

I have provided a file cannibals.py that has some basic test code. It makes sense to comment out some of this file so you can test bfs in isolation.

Memoizing depth-first search

There are two styles of depth-first search on a graph. One style, memoizing keeps track of all states that have been visited in some sort of data structure, and makes sure the dfs never visits the same state twice.

You do not need to implement memoizing DFS, but you do need to discuss the following in your report.

Discussion question. Does memoizing dfs save significant memory with respect to breadth-first search? Why or why not?

Path-checking depth-first search

Another style of depth-first search keeps track only of states on the path currently being explored, and makes sure that they are not visited again. This ensures that at least the current path does not have any loops.

Write your implementation of a recursive path-checking DFS. Make sure the base cases and recursive case are clearly labelled in your code. You will lose most of the credit for this problem if your implementation of DFS is not recursive.

Discussion: Does path-checking depth-first search save significant memory with respect to breadth-first search? Draw an example of a graph where path-checking dfs takes much more run-time than breadth-first search; include in your report and discuss.

Iterative deepening search

BFS returns a shortest path, can require a lot of memory. DFS on a tree certainly does not require much memory, if the tree is not very deep. (How about on a graph? You just discussed this above.)

Can we design an algorithm that returns a shortest path but doesn't use much memory? Here's a simple idea. Limit the depth of the depth-first search, by passing the current depth to each recursive call, and exiting the search if the depth is higher than some pre-determined number. This is called depth-limited search.

Run depth-limited search of depth 0. If it finds a path (well, the start is the goal, so this is not an interesting case), then this is the optimal path. If not, then there is no path of length 0 to the goal. Run dfs to depth 1. If it finds a path, then this is optimal, since there was no path of length 0. If not, run dfs (depth 2). Continue. This is called iterative deepening search, and it is easy to implement -- just a loop around a depth-limited dfs. Implement it. Discuss your code in the report if there is anything worth mentioning that you'd like us to know about.

Make sure to test your code and verify that it gives a shortest path. In my tests, I used a starting state of 5 missionaries, 4 cannibals, and 1 boat on the starting bank, rather than (3, 3, 1), which is after all not very interesting.

Discussion questions. On a graph, would it make sense to use path-checking dfs, or would you prefer memoizing dfs in your iterative deepening search? Consider both time and memory aspects. (Hint. If it's not better than bfs, just use bfs.)

Discussion question: Lossy missionaries and cannibals

Every cannibal knows the saying that you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. What if, in the service of their faith, some missionaries were willing to be made into lunch? Let us design a problem where no more than E missionaries could be eaten, where E is some constant.

What would the state for this problem be? What changes would you have to make to your code to implement a solution? Give an upper bound on the number of possible states for this problem. (You need not implement anything here.)

Grading rubric

Your code should be efficient and well-designed, with excellent style, formatting, comments. It should be brief if possible; a long chain of if statements is not good code if it can be replaced with something terser and easier to read. Follow good style guidelines, although we will not be strict here. For example, Python style guidelines suggest that there should be spaces after '#', spaces around operators like '+'. Use whitespace! Group lines of code into logical units that are no more than 3-8 lines long using blank lines. Factor code out into functions. Make sure to claim authorship of your code in a comment at the top of the file (include date as well.)

  • CannibalsProblem model: 3
  • BFS implementation: 3
  • Recursive path-checking DFS implementation: 3
  • IDS implementation: 3
  • Overall code style and efficiency: 3
  • Discussion questions and discussion of implementation (report): 5
  • Extensions beyond the basic requirements: up to 5 points

The assignment is out of 25 points, but 20 points is a pretty good score, as outlined on the course syllabus.